To find out more about Bassett Road Surgery, please read our practice leaflet online (PDF).
We have a patient information folder available in our waiting room which gives details of local and national organisations and groups that offer help and support.
We also have a selection of in house leaflets which you may find useful; they can be downloaded by selecting the links below:
- About our appointment system leaflet (PDF)
- Abuse (PDF)
- A Q&A guide to administration of medicines in schools and colleges (PDF)
- Alcohol and you (PDF)
- DAFS – Drugs and Alcohol Family Support (PDF)
- DAFS – Drugs and Alcohol Family Support leaflet (PDF)
- Anxiety (PDF)
- Bereavement (PDF)
- Bereavement – Sue Ryder – grief kind spaces (PDF)
- Carers -a break from your caring role leaflet (PDF)
- Carers – NHS skills and training grant leaflet (PDF)
- Carers – young carers breaks leaflet (PDF)
- Carers’ pack (PDF)
- Citizens advice bureau leaflet (PDF)
- Children’s phlebotomy appointment booking system (PDF)
- Controlling anger (PDF)
- Cruse bereavement care (PDF)
- Depression and low mood (PDF)
- Diabetes type 1 – what to do when you are unwell (PDF)
- Diabetes type 2 – what to do when you are unwell (PDF)
- Domestic violence (PDF)
- East of England gambling service (PDF)
- Eating disorders (PDF)
- Epilepsy specialist nurse service (PDF)
- Food for thought (PDF)
- Health anxiety (PDF)
- Hearing voices and disturbing beliefs (PDF)
- Menopause
- Mental health (PDF)
- Nebulisers and how to use them (PDF)
- NHS health check free (PDF)
- Obsessions and compulsions (PDF)
- Online appointment booking (PDF)
- Oral anticoagulants (PDF)
- Panic (PDF)
- Post traumatic stress (PDF)
- Postnatal depression (PDF)
- Practical suggestions after miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy (PDF)
- Preconception (PDF)
- Prisoner anxiety (PDF)
- Prisoner depression and low mood (PDF)
- Prisoner post traumatic stress (PDF)
- Respiratory conditions (PDF)
- Self harm (PDF)
- Shyness and social anxiety (PDF)
- Sleeping problems (PDF)
- Social prescribing: your wellbeing (PDF)
- Stoma support group poster (PDF)
- Stress (PDF)
- Support after miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy (PDF)
- Training practice (PDF)
- What happens when you are referred to a specialist (PDF)
- Yellow booklet (PDF)
Cost of living
- Cost of living help factsheet (PDF)
- Cost of living information, updated for January 2023 (PDF)
- Warm spaces information, updated for January 2023 (PDF)
- Healthy start leaflet NHS (PDF)
Information for older people
Following the original launch of this booklet in November 2015, it has been updated and re issued in January 2018 and again post pandemic.
This leaflet is available (one per household) to the older members of our population and we hope you find it useful. We would like to congratulate our PPG members for all their hard work on the compilation and updating of this publication.