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Patient Participation Group

Please take a look at the second edition of the PPG newsletter. Did you find it useful and informative? Are there areas you would like us to cover in future newsletters? Send feedback to us via email or the PPG suggestion box located in the waiting room.

You can also visit our PPG newsletters page for latest news.

Working together to support Bassett Road Surgery

Bassett Road Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) was established in June 2011 with a core group of volunteer patients who meet approximately every 3 months. The volunteer group is diverse and covers a wide range of patients, those who have been with the practice for 20 plus years and those that are new to Bassett Road. They also span a wide age range with varying medical histories. In essence, there is someone attending who represents us all.

You should note that all patients at the Bassett Road Surgery are automatic members of the PPG, with the core group of volunteer patients forming a steering group with GPs. The PPG is not there to deal with personal and confidential complaints, as there is already a formal procedure to follow regarding these matters. The PPG is a forum to provide constructive and sensitive support to the practice in order to ensure the services offered meet the needs of all patients and staff.

If you would like to join our group or have any feedback/suggestions please complete our registration form or make use of our patient suggestion box, situated in the magazine and book shelving in the centre of the waiting room, this is managed by Sue Elliott, deputy practice manager.

Join our Patient Participation Group

All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

To join:

What does virtual mean?

It means that you can give a valuable contribution to the group without having to attend regular meetings.

How does this work?

We recently carried out a survey, which was online, and in paper format, but it only reached those patients who either came into the surgery or went to the Bassett Road Surgery Website during the two week period the survey was being carried out.

Should for example the group wish to carry out further surveys, we could reach a larger cross section of patients by letting them know via email or text that the survey was being posted on the website, inviting them to complete it within a set timescale, but at their convenience in their own homes.

(NB. Paper surveys will always be available to anyone who wishes to participate as a virtual member who does not have the use of a PC. Please ask at reception).

I’m interested, so what should I do now?

Please complete our registration form and fill in your email address and, if appropriate, your mobile phone number. We will then contact you with regard to surveys or any other item that we need virtual patients to participate in. You are under no pressure to respond to our emails/texts the choice is yours.

Should you have any further queries a member of staff will be pleased to help you.

We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form. Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to.

Many thanks for your assistance.

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 25 October 2024