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Training practice

We are approved for the postgraduate and undergraduate training of doctors in general practice. The registrars attached to the practice will have already spent at least 3 years in hospital medicine since qualifying. These doctors spend 6 months to a year with us before moving on to either work in a practice or in hospital.

Occasionally, the doctors may ask to video a consultation as part of their on going training. The receptionist will ask you beforehand and, if you agree, you will be asked to sign a consent form. You can decline to have the appointment recorded at any stage and this will have no bearing at all on the treatment you receive.

We regularly undertake joint surgeries where either the trainee GP or the experienced GP leads the consultation but the other will also be present.

Again, the receptionist will check with you beforehand to make sure you are happy with 2 doctors being present for your consultation.

We also host medical students from Imperial College, London, and also from Buckingham university who are experiencing general practice as part of their basic training. Your consent to the participation of a medical student in your consultation will always be sought in advance. If you prefer not to have students present, this will always be respected.

Page published: 23 October 2024
Last updated: 24 October 2024