Age UK
Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. They believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this.
0800 055 6112
Age UKDementia UK
Dementia UK offers specialist one to one support and expert advice for people living with dementia.
0800 888 6678
Dementia UK
helpline@dementiauk.orgThe Silver Line
Free phone support for older people, 24 hours a day.
0800 470 80 90
The Silver Line HelplineAlzheimer’s Society
Living with dementia can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone. From a listening ear on the phone, to a visit in person. From practical tips and advice, to opportunities to connect with others.
0333 150 3456
Alzheimer’s SocietyFalls Prevention Programme
Are you over 65 and at risk of falling?
Have you recently had a fall?
Are you worried about falling?
Active Lifestyles free 12 week strength and balance programme might be the answer for you or someone you know.
New class coming to Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre from 16th November 2021 and then every Tuesday at 12:30pm.
Improve strength and balance, avoid slips, trips and falls, build confidence and stay independent for longer.
For more information and to find out how to be referred please email
or contact your GP.
Website to Local Hospitals
The practice falls within the catchment of 3 main hospitals; the Luton & Dunstable, Milton Keynes & Stoke Mandeville Hospitals. They are each approx. 12 miles from the practice and the following transport links are taken from their websites:
Luton & Dunstable (L&D)
Milton Keynes
Stoke Mandeville
Criteria for qualifying for free patient transport have become increasingly tight over recent years due to our ageing population and insufficient resources to meet demand. With this in mind, our very practical Patient Participation Groups in LB have set up their own transport for those who are able to travel by car. This is called the LB Voluntary Patient Transport group or LBVPT.
They are able to transport patients for routine pre-booked outpatient appointments (not emergency appointments) to Stoke Mandeville, Milton Keynes, the Luton & Dunstable, High Wycombe, Amersham and Bedford Hospitals. They do ask for a contribution towards fuel costs but this is still considerably cheaper than the cost of a taxi/public transport.
Typical fees suggested are:
– The L&D and MK Hospitals – £12 return
– Stoke Mandeville – £15 return
– High Wycombe – £30 return
– Amersham – £26 return
– Bedford – £22 return
To arrange transport:
07873 497633
Elderly care
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 25 October 2024