We have representatives from the Carers in Bedfordshire here in the surgery on the last Tuesday of each month between 10am and 11am, who will be happy to give you information and advice, see also this link: Carers at Bassett Road Surgery, June 2017 (PDF)
There is also a wealth of information at www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/ about carers and caring. Below are some links into the site that we hope you will find useful.
- Telling people
Caring responsibilities can make it difficult to maintain friendships or develop new ones. Telling your friends you’re a carer is important so they understand and can support you. You can also register with Carers in Bedfordshire so that they can keep in touch with you and offer appropriate resources. Visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/help-from-social-services-and-charities/ for more information. - Taking a break
Caring for someone can be a full time job, but it’s essential that you take time out for yourself too. Read our guide to accessing breaks and respite. Visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/support-and-benefits-for-carers/carer-breaks-and-respite-care/ for more information. - Housing and carers
Do you know your tenancy rights as a carer? Are you aware of all your care at home options? Do you need tips on moving someone around the home? Visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/care-services-equipment-and-care-homes/care-homes/ for more information. - Memory navigation service
This is a Bedfordshire-wide phone based service for people and their carers worried about their memory or living with dementia. Calls are directed to specially trained volunteers working with trained staff and a dementia nurse specialist, provided by the East London Foundation Trust.
You can call with any memory related concerns (either for yourself or someone you care for) plus latest information on services available. Visit https://carersinbeds.org.uk/how-we-can-help/dementia-services/memory-navigation-service for more information.
Carers in Bedfordshire
A new Bedfordshire guide for carers has been launched to mark Carers rights day. “Caring for Family & Friends” is packed with details of local organisations and services that can help those who care for someone who can’t manage without them because of a disability, condition or long term illness.
Read more about Carers in Bedordshire at www.carersinbeds.org.uk/31-home/450-beds-carers-guide
contact carers direct
0808 802 0202
Helpline Information
Office hours
Lines are open 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 11am to 4pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines.
Finance and Law
Help claiming benefits, looking after your bank balance and understanding the legal issues of caring.
- Benefits for carers
Directing carers to the benefits that can help them in their caring role. Visit www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/moneyandlegal/carersbenefits for more information. - Benefits for the person you care for
Advice and information on helping the person you look after get the benefits that they are entitled to. Visit www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/moneyandlegal/disabilitybenefits for more information. - Death and benefits
How your benefits maybe affected after the death of the person you look after and what happens to their benefits. Visit www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/moneyandlegal/deathandbenefits for more information. - Managing someone’s legal affairs
Advice for when carers find they have to take over the legal affairs of the person they are looking after. Visit www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/moneyandlegal/legal for more information. - Other benefits
Advice for carers and the people they are looking after on claiming a whole host of other benefits unrelated to their disability or caring. Visit www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/moneyandlegal/otherbenefits for more information. - Personal and household finance
Advice on keeping a tight rein on household and personal finance for carers. Visit www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/moneyandlegal/finance for more information. - Visit www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/moneyandlegal/socialfund for information about social fund.
- Tax credits
Information on claiming tax credits and whether you might be eligible. Visit www.nhs.uk/carersdirect/moneyandlegal/taxcredits for more information.